Saturday, July 30, 2011

That Scary Thing; A Query Letter

I wrote a couplea more pages of the S & E chapter today (which was Rayon and me arguing) and then edited Frog Prince more. I also did something important; researching publishers and writing a query letter.
The Internet proved to be useless to research a publisher. I was frusterated by this (I am easily frusterated by a lot of things), but told myself I wouldn't let it stop me. So I walked right over to the book shelf, took down a fantasy book, looked to see who published it, looked them up on the web, and now I have everything ready to go out in the mail.
Kinda sorta.
I still need to print out my query letter, and my synopsis, and the two-chapter-long excerpt, and I still need the SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope [not self-addressed sealed envelope {which would be bad}]), and a big envelope to stick it all in.
Still, I am ready to send it out. I'll probably send it out on Monday, because the mail already came today. I'll let you guys know when I do, though. So stay tuned!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Story Stats....

I helped a relative set up a blog today, and while I was doing that, I was brainstorming possible S & E story ideas. The kingdom for S & E is a series I've been doing since December '08, and it has still been going strong since then.
Also, for more story stats, I am still working on editing the novella I wrote a few months ago... 'Frog Prince'. It's the only novel I've written that I want to publish. In fact, getting 'Frog Prince' published is on my bucket list, next to 'start a blog'.
I've started a blog, so now getting published is on the top of the list. I don't want to get published through some self-publishing thing, either. I want to get published, published, with some big company and have my book go through them.
I may post an excerpt from a story up here, but right now not much is moving. It's one of those days when I just want to sit back and blog. Ha, I always wanted to say that.

Anyhow, just wanted to say, if anyone on here has any story ideas, I'll be happy to hear the ideas and I might even use them. I have 16 (!!!) chapters left in this series. Typically, the chapters span until December 31st, and start up again in early January. At top speed, I do two chapters a week. So, two more months and I could finish this series.

But, I won't. I have all the time in the world. Ahhhh, I love summer.

I see you, September. You stay over there....

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Welcome to my new Blog!

Hello, everyone! This is my new blog, 'Far Fetched and Beyond'! The title is in honor of the thread that was named in honor of a series I wrote a good year and a half ago. Annnyhow.
I'll be using this blog to post about stories, funny incidents that have happened in my life, or moments of "I miss such-in-such so much!!!"/"Whywhywhywhy!?" Hopefully, most of it will be about writing.
Oh! And let's not forget the pictures. I love pictures, drawing them, and taking pictures with cameras. So expect to see some pictures on here, once I figure out how to embed them. (And embedding is easy, so yeah....)
I will try to post at least once a week with updates about stories (for those of you who remember the FF&B thread) or just random stuff. Most of it will probably be random stuff, knowing me. ;)
Do I sound hyper? Blame that sugar dose I just had. Yum yum, fruit pie.

Oh, and if you're wondering a bit about me, I'm a writer (duh), a nature-lover, and a tech geek, all in one head. (I know, right?) I also have a monstrous sweet tooth that eats anything sweet that comes within two feet of my desk. Be warned, family pet dog. I'm also a NaNoWriMo-er, an MLIAer, Mormon, and now, a blogger, and I love playing with toy swords.

Life is awesome.