Saturday, April 28, 2012

Letters from the Cast (Part Two)

Look at the previous post for an explanation.

(Ooh, now it's time to attack other books!)

Dear Bella Swan (from Twilight),
Um. Woooow. You have a boyfriend who's a vampire and a best guy friend who's a werewolf. You must have a really tough life. You must struggle every day to overcome your crippling weaknesses. I have some simple words to tell you.
Get your act together.
Do yourself (and the world) a favor and shoot your boyfriend.

Dear Jacob Black (from Twilight),
You call yourself a werewolf!? I've fought real werewolves. They're bloodthirsty, malicious creatures who will die from a silver bullet and transform victims into other werewolves. You are the weak, depressing offspring of an alpaca and coyote! Make your choice: man up, get rid of that stupid motorcycle, stop hanging around vampires, or suffer much more ridicule than this!

Dear Edward Cullen (from Twilight),
You sparkle, you're pale, and you're a hundred years old... you must be a fairy! Okay, I'm joking. I know that you're not a fairy. You are a so-called "vampire". Well... heads up, I met Dracula once, and he was much more of a vampire than you are. He was also more of a gentleman. We had tea together before he tried to suck my blood.
If you tried to have tea with me, Edward, I would stab you repeatedly with a wooden stake. Following this, I would string up your body and let my children use you for target practice.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Letters from the Cast

Warning: Opinions galore.

Yesterday, while I was making lunch, Rayon started a complaint about Chuck Norris. After listening for a good twenty minutes, I suggested he write a letter. Soon, everyone got excited about the writing letters idea. So, dear readers, here are some letters from my cast to famous people/other book characters.

Since there are eight team members, I won't be able to put all the letters in one post. Instead, I'll do two or three each update day. So, stay tuned!

Dear Chuck Norris,
Wow. Just... wow. Chuck Norris jokes are really, really, annoying. I hope you know that. And, about that whole 'Chuck Norris is like a god' thing? I won't believe it until you get to Heroicits and beat me in a fight. Which won't happen.
But if you do get to Heroicits, could we fight? That would be awesome.

Dear Justin Beiber,
Hey! I have absolutely no idea who you are. My sister and her friend say that you're a singer. My name is Fredrick. I'm five feet tall, eleven inches. I'm fourteen. I don't sing much, but when I do, I sound like a strangled cat that's battling a demon chicken. I'm hoping that when I mature, my voice does too. Also, I meant to ask... are you a boy or a girl? It's hard to tell from your songs. If you're a guy, I admire your flawless soprano.



Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fan Art!

I'm far too tired to make much sense right now. Instead, here is a picture Silvermist drew of Rayon! (On the back of her math notes, too.)

I really like this picture. Great job, Silver!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday School Escapades

My Sunday School class is full of lunatics who enjoy weapons, snacks, and a good joke. Naturally, when a few bottles of nail polish (years old) were found in the classroom's closet, several of them went a little nail-happy.

While four to six girls all painted each other's nails, one of the guys came over to investigate. He said, "Um... not to sound girly, but could you paint my nails?" with a sheepish look on his face.

I couldn't help it- I cracked up big time. He wasn't joking, either. Soon the girls had painted a small design on one of his nails. I approached to investigate, and started laughing again. His fingernail had been masterfully painted a shade of pink.

To top it all off, he said in a non-sarcastic and very silly way, "I feel so pretty!" This only made everyone else start laughing like a bunch of loons.

Ah, Sunday School... you never fail me.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

This is a Post

*Jedi hand gesture*

This is a post.

This counts as a post.

You will believe that this is a post.

This is a post on a blog.

You will believe that I have posted on this blog.

Thank you.

May the force be with you.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

How to Draw 2

Hello hello hello! It is time for a new post. I may or may not be in a good mood right now. It's hard to tell.

This post is how to draw Snow. You could use the general directions to draw any woman, but specifically, this is how I draw Snow. So....

Step one. Draw an oval for the head. The head is always the first thing you draw. Do the other details, as shown. Make sure you leave plenty of room on the paper for the rest of the body.

Continue the outline, leaving a small space between the shoulders, as shown. This is where you will draw the tunic neck.

Next, draw the tunic and continue outlining. It's a good idea to add the clothing as you go, rather than save it for last.

Work on the face. This post talks mainly about how to do a man's face, but there's not much of a big difference. Also, draw the collar bone.

Finish the facial details. Remember to save the hair for last.

Next, start drawing the arms, tunic sleeves, and hands.

Finish the arms. Hands are hard, but with practice, they can look fine. 

Start drawing the legs. (My notes for this are: 'Draw one leg facing the viewers. Confuse everyone forever.')

Next, draw the other leg, as shown.

You're almost done! Begin drawing the hair, and wolf tail. (Note- normal females don't have wolf tails, but Snow does.)

Finish the hair, and the wolf tail. Add a necklace. 

Ta da, you're done!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Moar Art

There's a mini-crisis going on right now. All I can say, is it involves me selling Rayon to a friend for two aspirin.

...Yeah. Don't ask. In the meantime, be entertained by this comic I made.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter!

Your candy may be a biiiit late. The Easter Bunny ran into some... problems.

Sunday, April 1, 2012