Tuesday, November 29, 2011


As many of you may know, I have many internet aliases. Most of these are names of my characters, the Magical World Warriors. (I keep linking to that page, I know. It's because you really should look at it.)

One of my most-used aliases is Harret, or something close to it. For example, here is what goes on with one site under the alias Harret:

Now, as you may have noticed... Harret has a Facebook page.

So, instead of this:

People on the web will now be seeing more of this:

You're welcome.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Rayon's Theme

Hello everyone! I would like some opinions. For each of my characters, I have selected a theme song. Normally this is easy. However, Rayon proves to be giving me trouble. I have several songs I would like to have his theme be.

So, you decide. Below are several canidates for Rayon's theme. Comment and tell me which one you think works.

Deeper Still by Jericho Road on Grooveshark

The Sky and the Dawn and the Sun by Celtic Woman on Grooveshark

New Tail by John Powell on Grooveshark

Come thou font of Every Blessing by LDS Hymns on Grooveshark

(Note... if at first they don't load, try refreshing the page.)

Friday, November 25, 2011



EDIT: I just finished printing it out. This, friends, is what a manuscript looks like printed out. This is also what I'm going to take to youth group and wave around in everyone's faces.

I am also proud to announce that my kid sister has just finished her novel for the Young Writers Program. I'm really proud of her. She's not a crazed lunatic like I am, but she still managed to write.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Diamond Realm

Today is the first birthday of the Diamond Realm Series. They are a team that are not unlike the Magical World Warriors, and played a big part in this year's NaNoWriMo novel.

To celebrate the Warriors of the Diamond Realm, I have finally made a book cover for their story! Here it is:

Happy Birthday, Diamond Realm!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Checklist for October - January

My busiest writing months are between late October and early January. Here is a check list of what I've accomplished so far and what I want to accomplish:

-Write Hilarious Halloween Special (done, and I have not looked at it since)

-Finish first Heroicits Chapter (done! It was a two parter, too!)

-Do Last-Minute Brainstorming for Epic NaNoNovel (done!)

-Start NaNoNovel (done!)

-Finish NaNoNovel (done, in seven days!)

-Glory over NaNoNovel (done!)

-Launch Heroicits Chapters and Celebrate Year Mark (done!)

-Try to Remember Diamond Realm First Year Mark, which is on November 23rd

-Print out NaNoNovel, take it to youth group, and wave it around in everyone's faces

-Thanksgiving Special?

-Plan something epic for Magical Kingdom Fourth Year Mark (December 5th) that Will Blow Everyone's Minds to Mars

-Work on Special Thingee for Christmas Special

-Finish up the entire Magical Kingdom Book Five by/on December 31st

-Finish first Heroicits Book in Series Three by the end of January

-Start Magical Kingdom Book Six (SIX!? whoaaaa....) in the first week of January


I'd better get cracking! x)

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Scary Pumpkin (The Fate Of)

In my post A Scary Pumpkin, I showed pictures of the annoying Frg Face pumpkin. Well, anyone who's ever read a story with Frg, or any comics with Frg knows that Frg is annoying.

The fate of the Frg Face pumpkin was this:

It had it coming.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy [Late] Birthday, Heroicits

Yesterday, as you all know, was November ninth. For most, it was just another Wednesday. However, it was also the Heroicits second year mark. And I utterly forgot about it because I had youth group, which always throws me off.

Anyhow, this post is in honor of the Heroicits year mark. Following Far Fetched and Beyond tradition, I will be posting an excerpt from the first Heroicits chapter of this new series.

"...“Take this, scum!” Obernon shouted, jabbing the sword directly at Rayon’s chest. Rayon leapt backwards. The tip of the sword narrowly brushed past his front, and Rayon backed into the table that the fairy council had their meetings on. Rayon jumped onto the very edge of the table. The other end popped into the air because Rayon’s weight had thrown it off.
            “Don’t say things like that,” Rayon answered calmly, having suddenly gotten an idea, “You might get mobbed by angry fangirls.”
            Rayon dodged another swipe. With one motion from his back legs, Rayon had leapt clear into the air. Rayon flipped his sword around and sheathed it quickly; he would need both hands for this stunt. Rayon grabbed onto an overhanging rafter, looking down at Obernon from the ceiling.
            “You can’t stay up there!” Obernon shouted, spreading his wings, “I can fly, remember??”
            “Yeah, I was wondering about that. Do your have a pilot’s license for those?” Rayon grinned. He dropped down off the ceiling, aiming for the table. Obernon had backed up a pace so that he could fly up to the rafters. He was surprised to see Rayon intentionally falling.
            Rayon crashed into the end of the table. One arm went up to protect his head, and the other reached out to grab the table edge. The table flipped upwards and came crashing down, bottom up, on top of Rayon and more importantly Obernon.
            “Ack!” Obernon shouted as the wooden table smacked him clean in the head. Rayon jumped out from under the table, barely winded at all. Rayon delivered a punch to the fairy servant, a salute to the fairies that were loyal to him, and then charged out the door whooping.
            “Well,” Lunette commented with a small giggle, “I think he’s cute.”
            Sara was just approaching the meeting place when she saw Rayon come charging out of it, jump on his horse, and ride off in a hurry. Sara hesitated, her blond hair blowing softly around her. She turned in mid air, watching as Rayon’s horse galloped away from the building.
            Obernon stumbled over to the entrance of the building, waving a fist in the air and shouting, “Curse you, Rayon Hunter! Curse you! You will soon learn the consequences of disobeying my will!”
            Rayon pulled back on the reigns. His horse turned so that Rayon could look back at Obernon. Rayon pulled back on the reigns again and the horse reared up, front legs kicking, as Rayon roared back, “If you want this kingdom, you’ll have to kill me first!” Rayon jabbed his heels into his horse’s flanks and the horse galloped off.
            “Oh, lovely,” thought Sara...."

Copyright 2011-2012 by LE. All rights reserved. Srictly enforced by the flying ninja monkeys.

Happy two year mark!

Monday, November 7, 2011

A Novel in a Month? Nope.

Well, dear readers, I have been doing some thinking. You know how the NaNoWriMo challenge is to do a novel in a month? Well, I've been writing a lot, and... I'm not going to write a novel in a month.
Today is the seventh day of NaNoWriMo, and I have typed the 49,999th word of my novel. Forget writing a novel in a month! I just wrote a novel in a week.

The reason for the sudden spurt of activity is because of my Cousin. Cousin and I have been competitive for a while now, and an unspoken challenge started between us about halfway through our novels. Neither of us said a word to each other, but we continued writing. Soon it was a race to see who could write fifty thousand words first.

I honestly do not know who won.

I purposely stopped myself at 49,999 to wait for my friend, Silver, as always. Despite how competitive I may get with Cousin, I always keep Silver in mind. Well, I entered in '49999' into the box at the top of the NaNoWriMo page, and checked to see where Cousin was. Cousin was at 50k.

We either tied, or I won, or she won. It doesn't really matter much to me now. The important thing is that I'm going to wait up for Silver, because I know that friendship matters over glory.

As for Cousin, well... congrats to her, and well done.

Here's some screen shots I did (click to see them bigger) :

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dear Friend

Dear Friend,
About a week ago, you chatted me up over the I.M. and told me that you didn't like the way things were going in your life. You told me that you kind of didn't want to be alive any more. You had too much work to do, too many people getting on your case... you scared me, Friend. For a moment there, I thought I might lose you.
When we both logged off that night, I grabbed some candy and drew a picture for you. I began searching out an envelope so I could send you some happiness. Unfortunately, I found out that we didn't have any stamps left. I was forced to wait.
I told you multiple times about how much you mean to me. So, this post is for you. Friend, the next time you get down in the dumps like that, think about the fun moments. Think about the rubber spiders, the funny stories, the life-sized paper Frg, the novels we've written side by side, the piano recordings we send to each other, and those epic drawings.
Sooner or later, I have to get blood work done. When I told you about this, you were upset. You were afraid of what would happen if the doctors found something bad. Do not worry, Friend! I will always be here to log on and talk to you. Even if the doctors do find something bad, I will survive. I'm more likely to die from falling out of a canoe than if they find something bad in my blood. Think about it. Makes sense.
Note: I've already fallen out of a canoe before, and I lived, so no worries. (Such wonderful memories of camp....)
Friend, remember our farewell? Stay safe, be awesome, and remember that I love you with all my spleen? Well, think about that for a moment. Stay safe. That's an obvious one; staying safe, and returning without getting hurt or hospitalized. Be awesome. You're an epic, awesome friend. When you go places, hold yourself with high self-esteem. You're awesome. Keep it in mind. The last bit: I love you with all my spleen.

Nuff said.

Ps. You're going to receive a big envelope in the mail soon. Be wary of rubber spiders. >x)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Geeks Unite

This is my 42nd post on this blog. It is also a Thursday. Eek, a geek!

I am a big fan of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy. That alone should make me a geek. I could probably go on and on about the millions of ways I'm a geek, but that would be much too long for a blog post.

Instead, I wish to say- geeks, be proud of your geekdom! I'm proud of my geekiness, and if you're a geek, you should be too! I mean, who else can happily say that they've read all five HHGTTG books? That they looked up a site for translating words to binary just so that they can set their status to: 01000100 01101001 01100100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01101011 01101110 01101111 01110111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01101000 01100101 01111000 01101001 01100100 01100101 01100011 01101001 01101101 01100001 01101100 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 01101101 00101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101100 01100101 01110100 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01000010 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 00110100 00110010 00111111 ?

Heh. Well anyway, geeks unite! We will someday rule the world together, because we do geeky things!

That is all.