Thursday, October 27, 2011

Character Personality Quiz

Hello hello hello! I recently wrote up a quiz that's for you readers to take! Have you ever wondered which one of the Magical World Warriors you're like?


Well look at this anyway.

What to Do: Take the quiz and pick one (1) answer for each question. Write the letter of the answer down on a seperate sheet of paper. When you're done, see how you compare to the list at the bottom! Whichever letter you picked the most is the character you're most like. (Dur.)

Have fun.


1.) You have some free time all to yourself. What do you do?
A. Find someone to pester.

B. Practice on a musical instrument or singing.

C. Read quietly.

D. Nap.

E. Write.

F. Work out. Weightlifting, jogging, or another physical activity.

G. Meditate.

H. Spend as long as I can on the Internet.

2.) One of your friends decides to go camping and invites you to come. What is your reaction?

A. Sure! Any chance to pester someone.

B. Certainly. I enjoy spending time outside.

C. Nah, I’d rather stay home.

D. Awesome! Lemme go get packed!

E. …Will I be able to write?

F. Probably, but I’ll have to check with [family member].

G. Sorry, I have other duties that must come first.

H. It’s going to rain if I go camping! Plus there’s probably no WiFi.

3.) Said camping trip ends badly. How do you react?

A. Well, at least I got to pester people.

B. It’s all right… I mean, look at the bright side!

C. I told you so.

D. I had fun anyway.

E. I could’ve spent that time writing!

F. Ugh.

G. Perhaps next time will be better…

H. There wasn’t any WiFi!

4.) You have a chance to participate in a competition of your choice. What is it?

A. A making faces competition!

B. A race, on foot.

C. A boxing match.

D. An acrobatics match!

E. Word war. I will pwn.

F. A sword fight. On guard!

G. A dance off.

H. A virtual competition via the Internet.

5.) One of your enemies is insulting you, what do you do?

A. Prank him. See who’s laughing now!

B. No one insults me. They know better.


D. One punch is all it takes. They know I’m superior.

E. That enemy won’t be laughing when I grab my friends.

F. For his sake, his legs had better be as fast as his tongue is.

G. My enemies will never stand up to my might.

H. I will kill him via the Internet.

6.) You’re shopping at the store when you see a lady drop twenty dollars on the floor. She doesn’t notice and begins to walk away. What do you do?


B. Pick up the money and give it back to her.

C. I’m too busy keeping [Name] from trying to pull a get-rich-quick scheme.

D. Miss! You dropped twenty dollars! Here you go.

E. I bet I could buy some nice stuff with this, but I should do what’s right and give it back to her.

F. Give it back to her. It’s what’s right.

G. Naturally, I give it back to her. It’s her money, and in times like these every dollar counts.

H. I shop on Ebay.

7.) You’re walking along the street when a man steals your bag and runs off. What do you do?

A. Have fun with the rubber ducks, whoopee cushions, and other assorted junk, you creep!

B. Chase him, catch him, and send him to the proper authorities.

C. I will kick him in the face.

D. Mr. Robber, meet my black belt….

E. Hey! Bring back my notebook and pencils, jerk!

F. I’d like to see him try.

G. Call the police.

H. I don’t carry a bag.

8.) You have been invited to a formal dance.


B. I’d love to go!

C. No.

D. Ehhh… formal means I have to dress up nice for once… I dunno.

E. All right, but only if my friends go.

F. Sure! I’ll go find my special friend to go with me.

G. Well. It will be fun to drag along my special friend. I think I’ll go.

H. Will there be food?

9.) All your friends have decided to go jump off a bridge.

A. Sure!

B. I’ll be waiting at the bottom to help them to the hospital.

C. Yeah right.

D. I’m the one that suggested we jump off a bridge.

E. Errrrrrrmmm… maybe we should think this one over, friends.

F. I’ll catch my friends when they jump.

G. Oh no. Not this again.

H. Bombs away!

10.) Your best friend catches a cold, what do you do?

A. Wear a gas mask.

B. Give my friend chicken noodle soup and lots of tissues.

C. Visit a bit, but not too much. I don’t want to get sick too.

D. Talk to them and keep them entertained while they’re bored and sick.

E. Write them a story and give it to them to read.

F. Help in any way I can.

G. Do chores for them so that when they recover, things aren’t piled up.

H. Instant message them. I won’t get sick then!


All right, now that you've got your answers, here's who's who!

A. Frg

B. Snow

C. Rachel

D. Rayon

E. Sandra

F. Nessah

G. Sara

H. Harret

1 comment:

Be nice. I have Wütend handy.