Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I Should Be Writing

Hello everyone! It's my first day of school, and I am rollin'. Everything went super smoothly. My home room teacher is a blast, I've got a great start to Algebra, and things are going well. Plus I found some new music on Grooveshark. *dance dance*

You may notice some changes to the blog. This is why I haven't written anything, like I was planning to. I am an avid tec geek and never pass up a challenge. Feel free to play with Harret over there ----> he's a cute little puppy. You can throw a toy for him to fetch, feed him treats, and pet him. Oh, and watch your volume... he barks.

Well, I'm pretty much done messing with the layout, so feel free to look around and tell me what you think in the comments. I'm going to go write.

...Once I grab a snack.

Oh, and here's a picture, since I haven't posted many on here for a few posts.

EDIT: Harret isn't showing up (on my page at least), so if you want to play with him still, click here. I'll try to fix it in a bit.

EDIT 2: Or refresh the page....

EDIT 3: Okay, Harret just stopped showing up altogether. This is because of the coding. Harret is intended for use on one site only; a site called Bebo. I tampered with the coding to get him to show up on here, but now it's come back to bite me. I'll probably have to put a different pet on here instead. Here are some ideas.

EDIT 4: Ha ha, tech geek conquers all.

EDIT 5 on 9-9-11: The Harret coding did not end well. You can still play with him if you go here. Now, however, I have a wolf up you might find cool. And, you might not. Feel free to comment and tell me what you think.

Sorry for no posts yesterday; I was going to post about a hilarious incident called the Stinkbug Incident, but got sidetracked when I got into a fight with... ahem... a family member. So, no post yesterday, but I'll try to get another one up soon.

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Be nice. I have Wütend handy.