Sunday, October 16, 2011

Another Big Step

Tonight was a special presentation for my church youth group to reflect on things accomplished over the past years. Naturally, I talked about how I'd written several novels (and many other pages of stories besides novels).

After the presentations were over, I was approached by two people who were curious about my novels. My reaction to that was a mixed reaction. I was halfway startled, halfway excited. I'm always nervous about showing my work around.

One of the main things I tell myself when I'm showing stuff around is: "LE, this is good stuff you write. Don't be afraid to show it to people. It's good enough. It'll stand up to the challenge."

I just barely sent an email out with my August NaNoWriMo novel attached. I've decided that when people ask about my novels, this will be the one I send out the most. Why? I don't know. This one seems like one of the best.

15 more days until NaNoWriMo! :D

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Be nice. I have Wütend handy.