Thursday, August 25, 2011

I Accidentially Glued My New Pencil Case Shut

That, and I also validated my August Novel today. Guesss what!

*is too excited to type anything worth reading*

Click on any of the pictures to see a slightly bigger version of it.

Oh, and I managed to get my pencil case un-glued using an exacto blade. Hehe.


  1. Testing, testing! *tap tap* is this on?

    You and me both, sistah. We're winners, as we are with every challenge! Keep it up, and keep knocking people out with these awesome numbers! :D

  2. Hey, there's been a bit of trouble commenting on here, but I think I fixed it. For commenting, click the drop down menu and select 'Name/URL'. You don't need to enter a URL; just your name.


Be nice. I have Wütend handy.