Monday, August 1, 2011

Camp NaNoWriMo

Today is the first day of the August Camp NaNoWriMo session! I'm super excited. I got up at six in the morning this morning and have been writing until 11:30, doing a total of 5,000 words. My goal for today is to get to 10k. At this rate, I might even break my own record for NaNoWriMo finish dates.
For those of you who don't know, NaNoWriMo is where you write fifty thousand words in a month. Camp NaNoWriMo is writing fifty thousands words in a month, too, but in the summer. I did the July session of Camp NaNo already, and now I'm equally eager for August's session.
If any of you want to see my profile on the Camp NaNoWriMo site, click here:
My back aches, my shoulders ache, my arms ache, and my fingers ache from typing so much so quickly, but I will get to ten thousand words today. I'm using a lot of write or die (, and listening to my grooveshark music. (I like to move it move it....)
Ah, lunch time. I'm gonna go see what's cookin'. Literally. ;)

EDIT: I was going to get my query letter together today, yes, but I got distracted from it. Bug me about it tomorrow. ;)

EDIT 2: I got to 10,000 words, yes! And the last 1,000 should all be burned because of two things.

1.) I was word warring and therefore typing like a maniac.
2.) I was tired.

So, most of the words cam outl ike dis. Here is an excerpt of me typing late at night while doing it like a maniac:

"...Don glanced out of he window, sighing. SOmeting was still bothering ihim, and it made him want to pull out his sword and stalk atound the cadtle armed, just in case something were to justmp out and try to ilil him. Don paised, then.
He glaned out the window again. He thoguht he'd seen domsrthing sowns theie, and knew that whateevr it was, it hadn't looked like it was from the Warriors of the Diamond Realm, or a firned at all.
"Tha tmight be wha'ts bortherign bme," Don thought, placing a hand on his sword hilt reassuirngly, "But... I don't knwo .It might be. Might," he turned and began to walk towards the door.
He heaerd a rouns, a rsoudjj hat was coming from outside. He paused, hand about to touch the metal door knob to turn the door and open it. Something was scaping along the wall otuside. Was something siding down the wall, or climbig up it?..."

Spell check hates me now.

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