Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Submitting Stories

Tonight, without warning, I submitted a short story for publishing in a magazine. It was a humor story starring Fredrick Grandsople, my main trickster. My friend I instant message told me she was submitting to a magazine that was looking for short story humor bits under 5,000 words. I knew it was perfect the moment I heard the description.

The website said that I would hear back from them in about 12 weeks, which is three months. In the meantime, I'll be editing Frog Prince for manuscript publishing. Hehehehehehehehehehehe....

I'm tired. I have about an hour left before I go to bed (I'm on EST, obviously.) I'll probably spend it drawing and reading comics online. I'll save this chapter for tomorrow, when I will finish it without much difficulty.

Oh, and for the record, the A/C is still out.

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Be nice. I have Wütend handy.