Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I Finished August NaNoWriMo!

...sort of.

Hey, look! My tenth post!

Anyhow, I am at exactly 49,999 words right now. I hit it last night when I stayed up too late. It was, in a word, awesome. Okay, I'm talking like I finished it. In a word, yes. In another word, no.

The reason I stopped at 49,999 words is because I'm waiting for a friend who is also doing August NaNoWriMo. She's still in the 30k's, and I decided to help motivate her by waiting for her and then having us both cross the finish line at the same time.

Meanwhile, I am stuck with this weird feeling of being finished, yet not finished. Naturally, I started a new S & E chapter and began a blog post. What is it about me and writing?

Anyhoo, I'll probably draw at least one picture today, and if I do, I might post it up here. But, it all depends on how I waste away this writing-less day....

I bet the S & E chapter would be good for word wars to help my friend out.


Here's a picture of my main character from my August NaNoWriMo novel.

That's all for now!

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Be nice. I have Wütend handy.